Tag: superheroes

  • She Came in Like A… Never Mind – Ricochette

    After blowing an audition to join a superhero team, the inflatable one-woman demolition crew calling herself Ricochette heads out on freelance patrol, hoping that getting her name out there might improve her standing. How will her first night on the job go? Synopsis: Skylar Biggs is a wannabe superhero with some unconventional powers: she can…

  • Puffed-Up Powers – Hyper Force 2

    The oddball superheroes of the Hyper Force are facing a tough challenge: the supervillain Queen Reptiloid, armed with the godlike powers of a mystical spear! Will their inflation-themed abilities be sufficient to blow her away… or will she leave them feeling flat? Synopsis: Can Hyper Force defeat the evil Queen Reptiloid and gain the fame…

  • Gang Busters – Hyper Force

    When supervillains attack the innocent, the world’s greatest heroes leap into action! But when they’re not available, it’s time to send in the Hyper Force – a team of curvaceous crimefighters with expansion-based superpowers! They’re ready to kick some ass and do the breast – er, best job they can! Synopsis: An elite team of…

  • Bringing Out the Big Guns – Plastic Sorcery 4

    A superpowered villainess is rampaging through the city, her uncontrollable nanotechnology giving every woman in its path a massive rack! …Wait, why is this a bad thing? Oh, right, the mind control. Synopsis: The Siliconiac nanovirus is running rampant, transforming everything in its path into a living, wifi-enabled hard drive in its quest to learn-catalog-convert…

  • Return of the Super Tits – The Cleavage Crusader 9

    The Cleavage Crusader faces one of her strangest challenges yet when a shape-shifting slime girl interrupts her confrontation with evil mastermind Tyrannous Griffin! What is this monster, what does it want with Samantha, and what will happen next? Synopsis: Samantha must face a deadly new foe and the unintended consequences of her actions in a…

  • Mad Science and Angry Succubi – Plastic Sorcery 3

    Breasts expand aplenty as surgeon/sorcerer/superhero Doctor Dave finds himself confronted by foes of both mystical and scientific origin in the third chapter of Plastic Sorcery! Synopsis: Doctor Dave, sorcerer and plastic surgeon, enhances a Hollywood heavyweight and battles a succubus… but what of Siliconia? Release Date: July 21st, 2020 Written By: Bill Pratt Artwork By: Bokuman Tags: breast expansion,…

  • Pudgy Protectors – Freedom Alliance: Taskforce 8

    An obese heroine’s attempt at dieting horribly backfires with “weighty” consequences in Freedom Alliance: Taskforce 8, the debut of Expansion Fan‘s latest superhero series! Synopsis: After a recent poor performance, the rotund super-heroine Hijack is forced by her teammates to finally get in shape. Unfortunately, the strain of the weight-loss regimen causes her psychic powers…