Ballooning starlets Haley and Selma return for more expansive antics! They’re used to having to Perform Under Pressure when they’re on the set, but how will Selma handle trying to tell a blind date about her inflation occupation? And when he finds out, will they find romantic fulfillment… or will the date blow up in her face?

Synopsis: Dating can be rough at the best of times, never mind if you have a career that society considers “demeaning”. Selma and Haley have had their share of heartbreaks, but maybe things will turn out differently this time? It all depends on how Selma’s date reacts when (or if) he finds out that his heartthrob’s day job is as a human balloon!

Tags: inflation, body expansion, clothes ripping, immobile, can’t move, pleasure, breast expansion, ass expansion, belly expansion, full body expansion, hourglass
Pages: 15 + 1 cover
Written By: ERed
Artwork By: WantedWaifus
Release Date: August 21st, 2022
Series Link: Perform Under Pressure
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