Tag: clothes ripping

  • Big Top Blowout – Circus Circumference

    The Circus Circumference draws in quite the crowd – but some of the kinky clown girls running the place might be looking for a few “volunteers” to participate in some expansive hijinks! Synopsis: The circus has come to town, and a gaggle of townsfolk have shown up to investigate the lavish new attractions. As a…

  • She Came in Like A… Never Mind – Ricochette

    After blowing an audition to join a superhero team, the inflatable one-woman demolition crew calling herself Ricochette heads out on freelance patrol, hoping that getting her name out there might improve her standing. How will her first night on the job go? Synopsis: Skylar Biggs is a wannabe superhero with some unconventional powers: she can…

  • Encore! Encore! – The Show Must Grow Out

    Amber always wanted a big break in showbiz, but her boobs suddenly starting to grow out of control in the middle of a performance wasn’t what she had in mind! Will her superstar tits stabilize before she busts through the fourth wall? Either way, The Show Must Grow Out! Synopsis: Amber plays a side role…

  • Quick, Hit Rewind! – The Bizarre Case of the Disappearing Breasts

    Women all around London are about to be wearing wonder bras – as in “wonder where her tits went?” – when they get sucked into The Bizarre Case of the Disappearing Breasts! Can a celebrity detective navigate the dangerous curves ahead, or will her investigation fall flat? Synopsis: Internationally famous detective Elanor Beddington and her…

  • Shortstacks: Magically Delicious – Shrinkflation

    Titania was tired of being tall and flat, so she found a magic spell that would both shrink her height and grow her boobs. It seemed like a perfect solution – until she ended up in a situation where she couldn’t turn it off! Synopsis: Titania Long, a talented student at a prestigious witchcraft university,…

  • She Needs Fulfillment – Irresistible: Chastity

    Liz is a virgin and doesn’t date much. Partly because she’s usually got something else to do, but also because if she gets turned on, she gets big… and fast! Her curves start swelling up and busting out all over – and she’ll just keep growing until she can climax and cool down! Watch what…

  • Out of Her Mind – The Incantation Situation

    Cara’s mopey about her flat chest and wants bigger curves, but she can’t stand the idea of surgery. Enter a mysterious stranger promising magic that can bring Cara’s desires to life! At first it only seems to give her vivid daydreams… but then the results start to bleed into reality! Synopsis: Desiring a figure that…

  • Feeling Deflated – Perform Under Pressure 4

    After Selma’s date night nearly came to an explosive end, she’s been sulking, worried that she and Victor have ‘blown it.’ Well, she, Nicole, and Haley have an upcoming shoot based on famous video game inflations – maybe she can take her mind off of her troubles by throwing herself into her work? Synopsis: A…

  • A Juicy Score – Swell Heist 4

    Despite multiple humiliating setbacks, the crew of high-tech thieves are determined to raid William’s vault and make off with the fruits of their Swell Heist! However, when they finally find the precious Blueberryum, things go awry yet again… Synopsis: After escaping William’s trap, Viper and Swiftblade finally gain access to William’s true vault… only to…

  • BOOBS! IN! SPAAAAAAACE! – Hex Signs 4

    The saga of the breast-expanding Hex Signs is coming to a big climax! With the now-female Hiram unable to get the signs out of her mind, her growth seems to be unstoppable – can anything calm her tits before the results become literally Earth-shattering? Synopsis: The creator of the hex signs causing the breasts of…