Too Much of a Good Thing

"N-no, please! One more, just one more...!"

But Sophia's begging was useless. The refreshing citrus liquid flew away from her lips as her arms shot to her sides. The bottle clattered to the ground, but when Sophia looked to her side to see where it landed, she was struck by the fact that most of her horizon at this point was her own body.

The Warrior of Light tried turning around, but rather than twisting her waist, she found that she needed to waddle in place like a particularly rotund penguin. As if it wasn't humiliating enough, this process was accompanied a duet of hisses and sloshes, as the veritable pond of carbonated liquid inside here swayed to and fro.

"By the Twelve... what happened to me?! I... I-I'm HUGE!"

Sophia tried to retrace her steps. There was the portal she went through to reach this treasure chamber. The assorted coin flips of left or right passageways had not outdone her. And then, at the end of the path, she had found a gigantic hoard of bottles. But these bottles weren't sorted or organized like one would expect of a wine room. Rather, they were stored in piles, like those a dragon may have made in the tales of Eld.

A scholar at her core, Sophia's curiosity won herself over as she took one at random. After all, it was just one bottle - she had to know why they were so greedily collected. What was the worst that could happen?

As it turned out, much and more. The taste, citrus-y and full of fizz, was unlike anything the Elezen had ever tasted in her life. She had never had anything quite so refreshing! She... she needed more. And unfortunately, the treasure vault provided in spades.

Sophia had no way of telling how much time had passed, but given the multitude of empty bottles strewn beneath her she couldn't see, and the fact she couldn't remember how much she had, worried her deeply. She looked around frantically, trying to find an exit.

"I-I gotta get out of here, find some he-oooohhhhhhh..." Sophia found herself stopping mid-sentence. She couldn't move her arms to feel her size, but as she pivoted her body to see around her, the soda inside her demonstrated just how far her circumference was, and the fizzing filled her ears. It was an intoxicating sensation, and she felt herself blushing deeply. She very nearly lost sight of her situation, sorely tempted to keep swaying and sloshing.

"Menphina take me, am I LIKING this?! I-I'm a BLIMP! I can't enjoy this, it's ridiculous, it's... AHHHHNNN..."

Sophia could hardly think straight. The prospect of being nothing more than one giant, round, fizz ball consumed her imagination. She found herself enticed by the idea, contemplating stimulating what-ifs she had never thought possible. But when Sophia felt her wrists get encroached upon by her body, she knew she was working on borrowed time.

As she spied the exit, she started her slow, methodical waddle, all the while trying not to disturb the libations inside her. She felt like a clown pretending to be a waitress...

She was going to make it out. But gods willing, she was going to come back, with company too. If she was going to let herself go all the way, Sophia thought to herself, she was going to need someone to roll her back home.

Story by izanagi22
Artwork by Hmage

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