Our Girls in Blue

"Ms. Seras, you can't go out in the field looking like that. Please use your juicing station."

"I-I'm fine, Walter. Please let me by." Seras Victoria's feigned determination was quickly eroding under the torrent of her sloshing body.

"Ms. Seras, I know this is a recent and rapid change for you, but the point stands that it is your responsibility as a blueberry to juice yourself regularly. Otherwise, we will have to roll you to Miss Integra's personal juicing suite."

"R-ROLL?! What do y-AH!"

SNAP! Seras' long suffering belt snapped violently, causing her bloated gut to bulge forward with the new freedom, jiggling and bubbling before growing taut and full with each bulge.

Story by Fate-Full
Artwork by SednaStudio-Jin

High resolution (3300x5100)

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