Expansion Poker

Upon arriving at her friend's house, Angela got to see who all showed up. The first girl she saw was Jenny with her juicy ass in a pair of tight yoga pants and her little B-cups. Next, she saw Amy and Hailey with their overall average bodies. Finally, there was Lindsey with her sports bra-straining F-cups and petite ass.

The first round was pretty tame, as only Angela and Lindsey bet a cup size while Jenny and the others put some of their asses on the line. Angela won the round with a four of a kind and was ready to get bigger. She watched as Lindsey’s straining top started to get a little looser while Jenny’s pants started to loosen a little. On cue, Angela felt her own yoga pants start to tighten as her ass got bigger and her top’s buttons started to strain a little as she went from DDs to Es.

After the next couple of rounds, Amy and Hailey were both knocked out of the game as Lindsey and Angela each stole a cup size from their Bs and Jenny got both their asses. Lindsey now had FFs that were threatening to pop out of her sports bra. Angela’s now Fs had popped the first button on her top and ripped the undershirt, exposing her black bra with pink lacing. Jenny’s yoga pants were on the verge of exploding as her ass was stretching them to the last threads after taking Amy and Hailey’s.

The next round, Jenny was feeling lucky so she went all in with her ass. Lindsey folded before putting anything on the line, but Angela was calling her bluff and put her tits on the line. Jenny showed her cards first, which was a four of a kind, with a smirk that quickly disappeared when Angela put down a royal flush.

“Don’t worry, Jenny. I'll still let you enjoy this ass,” Angela said as she got up to sit in Jenny’s lap as she gave her a kiss while her ass grew. She moaned as her yoga pants ripped along with her panties snapping.

Angela wasn’t confident with her hand when she revealed her straight, but her eyes shot open as she saw Lindsey showed she only had a two pair. She also orgasmed from Jenny’s fingering. Lindsey’s sports bra, once on the verge of snapping, now looked like a shirt as it had nothing to hold in. Angela’s top, on the other hand, was rapidly stretching out as each button shot off while her cup size went up by the second and soon the last button popped off and she was left in her straining bra.

As her boobs overflowed the cups, the pink lace ribbon that held the bra together was stretched out as she finished taking Lindsey’s breasts. The bra somehow managed to not snap at the straps or front clasp when she finally stopped growing at HH.

“Holy shit, my girls look good on you, Angela,” Lindsey said as she got behind Angela and started groping her.

"Not too rough, Lindsey, or my bra will snap. I'd rather have one piece of clothing on when I leave,” Angela said between moans.

After an hour of everyone playing with Angela’s body and masturbating, they all passed out. Angela got up, giving them each a kiss on the lips, and promising to give her new body a good test run that night as she left.

Story by DeathlikeCoast2
Artwork by Altercomics-Andrestronik

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