In a post-apocalyptic world, a small band of rebels steal a high-value corporate asset from a shady mega-corporation. Meanwhile, a gruff bounty hunter named Rev is forcefully injected with body-altering nanites that will make her figure constantly inflate until she is too large to survive on her own... unless she pays off her debts in the next 48 hours. With time running short and her waist growing wide, Rev will have to push herself to the limit if she hopes to prevail against the many dangers awaiting her out in the nuclear wasteland!
Tags: body expansion, breast expansion, ass expansion, blueberry transformation, juice lactation, lactation, immobile, can't move, post-apocalypse, clothes ripping, hourglass expansion, multiple expansions, cyberpunk, bounty hunter, height increase, science
Released October 21, 2022 |
15 pages + cover |