Tag: expansion fan comics

  • Getting Into ‘Her’ Pants – Expanding Interests 6

    Joey has become ‘Mary’ in their ongoing bid to get close to the object of their fascination, Alex. While Alex proves willing to socialize with Mary, they’re both about to be thrown some curves – er, curveballs! Check out Expanding Interests 6 to see what comes next! Synopsis: Joey begins their new plan to live…

  • A Perfectly Cromulent Comic – The Embiggening

    Few things can get people’s attention like a big, round set of tits – so when a nefarious figure has something to demonstrate, she decides to do it by Embiggening the breasts of women across the city of Seattle! When will the insanity stop… and how big will the boobs be when it does? Synopsis:…

  • She Sherwood Like a Little Relief – Robynne Hood and the Plentiful Chest 2

    Robynne Hood and her band of outlaws are still struggling with the bizarre breast-expanding curse laid upon them by Princess Jane. They seek refuge in a church, but Robynne is still dealing with the effects – and a lady needs release! Meanwhile, the sinister Sheriff is hunting the crew across the country… Synopsis: Robynne and…

  • Full of Themselves – Perform Under Pressure 3

    The swelling starlets of Perform Under Pressure are back for more sexy, expansive fun! Haley’s having to do some on-the-job training for newbie Nicole, who’s maybe just a little too into this whole inflation thing – and so is Selma’s boyfriend Victor! When these girls get all puffed up, will things end with a bang?…

  • Gang Busters – Hyper Force

    When supervillains attack the innocent, the world’s greatest heroes leap into action! But when they’re not available, it’s time to send in the Hyper Force – a team of curvaceous crimefighters with expansion-based superpowers! They’re ready to kick some ass and do the breast – er, best job they can! Synopsis: An elite team of…

  • Bountiful Harvest – Hex Signs 3

    The original Hex Signs that caused Hope Byler’s strange expansion may be gone, but (much like her boobs) their influence is growing out of control! Now that the images are online, women everywhere can see them – and building-sized breasts are becoming a worldwide phenomenon! Synopsis: The Hex Signs on the Byler barn have been…

  • Revenge of the Nerds? – Nova Realitae 2

    The girls of Nova Realitae are just about to graduate school – so why not go out with a bang? It’s time to give some perpetually picked-on girls some incredible new bodies… and bring their bullies down with some humiliating magical payback! Synopsis: After narrowly averting their previous disaster, last issue’s three witches prepare for…

  • Tea and Milk? – Butler’s Revenge

    A long-suffering butler is given a chance to inflict some karma on his mean-spirited mistress, and he doesn’t hesitate to take it! Watch as this Butler’s Revenge takes an expansive – and sexy – turn! Synopsis: A mistreated butler leaps at the chance to take revenge on his abusive master. However, when the revenge comes…

  • Mental Vacancy – Hotel Infinity 9

    Lexie, Mona, and Kallinara are making a desperate last stand against the army of lust drones that have overrun the Hotel Infinity! Can they prevail against the powerful force behind the rampaging sex magic… or are they doomed to join the horny horde? Synopsis: The hotel has been overrun, its staff and guests reduced to…

  • Hot Dogs Go to Heaven – Heavenly Bodies

    What happens after we die(t)? Perhaps today’s comic from Expansion Fan has the answer! Frida, who went through life starving but always took the time to help others, has earned a spot in the good place. How good is it? Well, she’ll never go hungry again – even if that means chowing down on an…